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5 State of the Union Topics

  1. Technological Change

  2. Safety of the Nation

  3. Reparation of the Economic System

  4. Improving the Education System

  5. International Government Interaction

Technological Change

President Obama addressed the topic of technological change by bestowing an optimistic stance on the increased usage of technology. This country alone has become dependent on technology and most citizens surf the internet daily. However, amidst the negative connotation that technology often receives, Mr. Obama shared his vision of positive change stemming from technology.

A belief that technology could aid people into finding a cure for cancer and preventing climate change is what President Obama shared with viewers. He encouraged listeners to welcome the advancement of technology as it can continue to serve as a knowledge enhancer.

Safety of the Nation

In recent news, threats against the United States have been brought to our attention. President Obama addressed a very serious topic which reverts to the safety of this nation. Many citizens have been fearful of the outcome of this situation, as to which President Obama assured listeners things are under control.

Terrorist attacks have been prominent in this nation’s recent history, and citizens are understandably unsettled by this. However, President Obama in a nutshell expresses that living in fear “is what they want us to do”. However, he states that if citizens start to trust each other and government officials more, the questioning of this country’s future is understood.

Reparation of the Economic System

Seven years ago President Obama began his presidency with an economy as bad this country has witnessed in decades. Since then he has spent an abundance amount of time trying to improve the economic system.

The employment rate has risen since Obama stepped in office. Obama states that anyone who claims “the economic system is still in decline” is living in “fiction”. Jobs have been created and the poverty level has been lower. Granted, there is still a lot of work to be done regarding the economy, but Obama feels that this country is headed towards the right direction.

Improving the Education System

As President Obama addressed this topic, he grasped the attention of the younger generation who are and will be affected by this portion of the speech. The Education system has always been a controversial matter of discussion. Many people believe that education should be free for students, as well does President Obama.

Obama spoke on finally reaching the level of equal opportunity amongst everyone in this country, and that starts with providing students with the opportunity to receive a college education, and a better chance in life. He highlighted the “No Child Left Behind” idea which he proposed has increased childhood education. For college students, such as myself, Obama assured citizens that loan payments have been decreased and will continue to be decreased.

International Government Interaction

The notion that “foreign countries are getting stronger and America is getting weaker” was denounced by President Obama during the State of the Union address. He also stated that branding the Islamic state as a threat only makes matters easier for them. The idea of a World War III was also declined.

Instead, President Obama shared lighter implications as to how foreign policy would be improved. He insisted upon listeners that America “is the most powerful nation in the country”. He stated that our biggest threat is not “evil empires” but it is more “failing states” that pose a threat. The focus is improving the international system, destroying ISIL, and ridding ourselves “over the top thoughts of WWIII”

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